Friday, April 18, 2014

Bolt Action: New Order Dice vs the Old Order Dice

Well, last week I got my dice and had a chance to finally talk about them. Below is a comparison of the two.

As you can see the older dice has more of a pronounced design and larger text/line while the newer dice are a bit less so but the cut appears to be slightly deeper also. 

Second the edges are pretty clear what is new and old and the dice color between the two is very blatant as the newer one is more of a lighter blue compared to the darker blue of the earlier dice.

Size wise the newer dice are a bit smaller but that is mainly due to the rounded edges. The  texture on the newer ones seems more sealed and I hope a bit tougher to resist chipping than my earlier set.

Have you bought any of the new dice? What do you think?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Crossover Miniatures: Robo-Girl Arrives!

Rusti has delivered A+ customer service. It appears Robo-Girl was off fighting crime and missed the dispatch to my house last week. So, I snapped a few pics of the lovely lady of metal....WOW! I have to say this again, the greens did not do it justice or show the other heads....

Full body

Human looking head. Could be painted human or robotic.

The Iron Man type head like the Robot Minions have,

The Cyborg style favorite!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

To Name a Super Villain Miniature!

So, one of my Crossover minis is giving me a small moment of I am going to toss it out to see what you guys and gals think....

There are two options for me painting and naming this figure for my collection and add them to a team.

1) Backstab - Member of the Cadre of Assassins - Able to turn invisible or decrease density to the point of being a ghost, His favorite tactic is to get behind someone unaware and strike from behind with poison blades, shock gauntlets or in the case of Density decrease phase his hand inside his targets body

2) Bypass - Member of the Coterie of Crime - Able to assume a ghost state (as above) using density decrease power to slip past defenses and able to steal things impossible for others to get to. Uses the power to stun his opponents by shocking the system by phasing his hand into their body.

So, who does he look like to you? I'll give it to Friday the 18th!

Crossover Kickstarter 3 Figures Arrived!

So, my figures arrived on Friday, took me a few days to sort them as I was doing other things with the wife doing errands and such.

Many people didn't invest because they didn't "like" the greens they saw and didn't think they was worth it. Wow, they was wrong IMO, there was a great bit of hidden gems once the figs was in my hands and VERY nice. The mold lines was almost nothing, the worst was the robots I selected for one of my henchmen hordes. They cleaned up quickly and nicely!

I tried to snap some good shots of the figures and head options, my camera is not the top of the line but I think gets the job done!

Flexi-Man went together well enough, a little filler around the join is needed but not much work,
I love figs that have this power, adds character.

I went with this head, reminded me of Shape from Squadron Supreme one of my favorite super teams and great series including the graphic novels.

I call this the Mr Fantastic like head.

Hard to see the detail on this one but a cover over the face but the mouth.

Dread the main head you see

Deathpool type mask,

Spider man like mask,

Moon Knight type head.

Ski mask head

A weird Bat-Man like head,



Full face mask,

Dr. Mantic love the crome dome!

goggles may make it into Strange Aeons, could even make a great mad scientist in the game.

The other one had a pony tail which the greens did not show.

Blue Flair with my favorite of the heads, a very petite fig compared to the others but I like that as humans are all shapes and sizes in real life.


Another head

Seraphim with the bird helm, 

Angel (X-Men) style head,

Hawkman style head

Calgon the Destroyer one head option.

I can't stop thinking about this every time I see the name..

another head

And another

The Caped Defender...this is the head we saw.

Not sure why the image shifted when I posted it here. Grrr...
I love this one as it is an alien style head almost like the Leader and Synestro had a love child.

And Cyclops after he tried a bottle of AfroSheen 

Cyber dog

Cyber Kitty!

Now we will crossover some heads from other figs!

The  Trapjaw Head from Everest

Fabio head on the Caped Defender

I went with this one! Looked too sharp to say no!

Loved this head so much I used it. Not to decide if I want him to be
Backstab - Assassin that can turn invisible or density decrease,
Bypass - Thief that can decrease density.

Bald head with mask on the Caped Defender

Another random head.

Masked face over Dredd.

Supersystem 4 Kickstarter and Miniature Discussion

I know there are a few people out there on the fence about Supersystem 4's Kickstarter and those that read this blog that may not know much about it and well worth the investment.

You can do anything with this system, it is like Champions RPG meets miniatures. Custom out your characters however you like, play in your favorite universe Marvel, DC, Indie or your own made up (I go with this concept) don't get that much free form with many systems. The mechanics are easy to learn and really you only need a handful of models unless you are a nutter like me that loves super minis!

Also, again it has some RPG mechanics mixed in and also has a solo game play option called can even play diceless! Options abound in this game.

So, I am going to show everyone a few examples from my collection to get an idea of what you can tap in your model collection to use!

This is my only painted example of Pulp City's miniatures. A great line loaded with detail.

Crossover Miniatures, this line has a variety of heads you can swap around to custom your figs.
Oh they are great to convert other companies figures also! Just see some of my Heroclix repaints!

Another example of mixing heads to create unique figs.

Superfigs has a great line and fairly inexpensive. While they was built for characters they adapt over easy to your needs.

another set...

And another...

Reaper Bones even found their way into the line,

This is from the Reaper Fantasy figure line!

Reaper Chronoscope

More Reaper Chronoscope.

Heroclix repaints, no conversion.
Formerly Human Torch and Atom Smasher

Wasp and Killer Frost repainted.