Monday, May 23, 2016

Project Z - First Game

Got with one of the local guys here David last Sunday to give the game a whirl at the game store here in Port Richey off 54. Overall, the game played well, once we got the hang of the order and saw how the cards and such all work with one another David and I had a good grasp of the game ending only with 3 turns but the store was closing and was very gracious to give us some extra time.

David took the Survivors and I took the Biker Gang and played the first scenario. While the board was not 100% it was shaping up nicely I think and I could see where I need to go to develop it further now.

The game opened up with both of us moving about, then by turn 2, I was in control of my board side keeping the zombie population down and throwing the card out to snag one of David's me to join my gang also threw a boomerang into his plan despite shifting the loot over his way some and picking up some bonus survivors by playing the "come with me if you want to live card".

In the end, we estimated it was a draw (David may have been one point up on me), if I had one more round or two I would have been on the other loot counters and with the zombies starting to build up on David's side and my gang closing things would have been grim.

I am looking forward to future games and enjoying trying out some new combos to see how things will work.

My gang taking on the zombies.

David's survivors struggles with zombie control.

Bolt Action Tournament at Paladin Games

May 14th, yea a week late posting but it has been a busy week. Chris and I did a road trip over to Paladin Games in Orlando and had a blast throwing some dice and blowing stuff up.

Chris brought his British commandos and I brought along a bizarre German list themed from the Last Levy them.

My first game was against the Soviets with Demolition. The game ended up as a draw as neither of us could gain the upper hand.

The table turn 1.

My second game was against John and his US army. The dice were with him in the end as he was able to take me towards the mid of the game during Top Secret. I was able to sack the unit with the objective but he was able to snag it and take it in for a win.


Fire in the hole! 

The third game was a standard annihilation game with another loss against Bob.

Bob plots my defeat.

Germans move to flank.

Germans on the prowl.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

All Marvel and DC Movies Listed until 2020

Wow! I am stoked! I just need a time machine.

Right now, this is the one I am most looking forward to!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Project Z - A new game begins!

About two weeks ago I got my copy of Project Z and dove right in. I wanted to give myself some time to read the rules, think about the models and start scrambling to get scenery done!

The box.

Box contents.

Weapons updated.  Downloads of updates are on Warlord's site.

The dice.

Punch out tokens.

Bonus dogs - They work with any faction, the unit card included.

The dogs and card.

Special Operations Team 

Sprue, cards and rule book specific for this new faction.

Motorbike gang

Sprues and cards,


Sprues and cards. Nothing much changed for the female zombies but the male zombies were slightly updated and looks great!

Need more surviors?

Sprues and cards!

Male Survivors

Sprues with cards.

I plan to cover the game more, talk about the gangs I built up and look at the game as a whole and giving the game a whirl both solo and with friends.