Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Scenery: Ramshackle Barn Finished by Renedra

Another building down! This time the Ramshackle Barn by Renedra. Overall it glued together quickly and proved to be very adaptable to my mad mind of scenery design. I figure I may go back and add some moss effects later but overall, I am very happy with the results! This gave me a chance to add some character by basing it unlike the Chapel that was to me self contained enough that it did not require one....

One side with the doors.

Side shot with the lean to...

The other side with the doors....

The other side with the wagon wheel and ladder...

I built a loft area for the top floor to add some character. I may add some hay up here....

Hay on the bottom floor....if you look on both sides you see the small coffee stir stick I cut and fit for the loft boards to fit. Ironic that those loft boards was something I salvaged from an old gaming table sitting around my junk bin!

An investigator checks the loft for monsters!

A German sentry checks for resistance.

A cultist does not take kindly to an unwelcome visitor!

A German Sentry patrols around the barn.

Pablo searches the barn for anything useful to steal.

A showdown in the hay! Hrm, could be a title for a Western movie or a porn, if not both!


  1. Nice bit of kit there.

    How about a 70's Western porn. Bow chicka bow wow....

  2. That's very nice :-) ! I may have to get this kit myself some day...

    1. Looking at the General Store or House next to try.

  3. Very nice and as you have shown, really versatile


    1. It was, I thought about adding boards on the inside but I felt the time would not be worthwhile.
