Friday, February 1, 2013

Old West for the New Year: Gamers Gold Giveaway Winners!

First, I want to thank everyone that entered and I am going to compile the list of links and a few others to a secondary page and post it later on as a great reference point for Old West Materials and inspiration.

I gave everyone a number and hit the random number generator and the winners are!

Rebel  Miniatures Blister: Colgar6

Knuckleduster $16 Voucher: Rob_Jedi

Knuckleduster $16 Voucher 2: WhiskeyRat

Knuckleduster $16 Voucher 3: quix42

Tri-City Laser Building: Black Smoke

Please contact me at patrickballinger(at) if you are a winner and please label the header that you are a contest winner so I don't delete your or if it ends up in the SPAM box I can save it before deleting it. Just identify who you are and I'll get you setup with your prizes!

Congrats to the winners and maybe next time to those that didn't win this time around!

Voucher codes will be forwarded (via email) (Forrest set the amount to cover the cost of one blister and to help with shipping or can be applied to a bigger purchase like one of the new Tri-City Laser buildings) and the MDF building and blister will be mailed (so in your case please provide me your mailing address to ship your winnings). If items are left unclaimed for 2 weeks, I will redraw a new winner from the list of those that didn't win the first time around.

Congrats to the winners! Keep an eye out as I will no doubt be throwing out some other random contests in the future!

Also, a huge thanks to (and in no specific order):
Knuckleduster Miniatures
Tri-City Laser Buildings (ready to purchase at Knuckleduster Miniatures website!)
Rebel Miniatures


  1. Wow! I never win anything so I'm over the moon at winning the building! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

    1. Glad you are stoked, I want to see pics of it when done and painted. I will start looking to package it up and mail it to you next week. See how the new postal overseas prices are. Hehehhe...

  2. Thanks for an awesome contest. Keep up the good work.
